Refund Policy

Refund Policy: Our service charges are non-refundable. If government charges are transferred and the government work is rejected for any reason, a refund will be issued if the amount has not been paid to the government; otherwise, only the balance amount will be refunded. Refunds will be processed only through the original mode of payment.

Cancellation Policy: In the event of job cancellation due to government rejection, the job will be considered cancelled, and the refund of government charges will be processed in accordance with our Refund Policy.

Payment Confirmation: Once payment is made and reflected in our accounts, an email will be sent to confirm receipt of the payment.

Service Delivery Policy: Once payment is made and reflected in our accounts, an email will be sent for payment receipt/confirmation. Services will commence on the next working day, and completion of work will be done in accordance with government approval and the documents received from the client. Each documentation task has a different timeline for completion, which depends on the nature of the documentation. Therefore, the completion of any task is not fixed but will be outlined in the quotation provided by the company during the client meeting.

Rights and Responsibilities:

  1. Communication of Changes: We will inform the customer of any changes imposed by third-party service providers regarding costs, documentary requirements, restrictions, or timelines as soon as we become aware of them.

  2. Service Facilitation: We will perform the facilitation of services with reasonable care and skill, and use all reasonable efforts to ensure accurate and prompt handling of all services and products subscribed to by the customer.

  3. Liability Limitations: We shall not be liable to the customer for any loss of profits, business, revenue, damage to brand or reputation, or any indirect or consequential loss or damage arising from any act, omission, neglect, delay, or default by our staff and/or agents. This limitation of liability does not extend to death or personal injury caused by negligence or fraudulent misrepresentation.

  4. Accurate Representation: We will accurately represent to the customer information related to costs, documentary requirements, restrictions, and timelines pertaining to the products and services subscribed to at the time of signing this agreement.

Contact Us: If you have any questions about this Refund Policy, Cancellation Policy, Payment Confirmation, or Service Delivery Policy, please contact us at [email protected].

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